Beyond the fact that every day my mobility has improved, I have also been extremely busy! For a long time I have been working on a project that is just about wrapped up now. As I may have mentioned before, prior to my injury, my second job for many years has been doing a sitting security job. At the onset of my injury, they were kind enough to offer me full time hours, for which I am extremely grateful. My career is in education and last Thursday was my first day back, just subbing for the day to see if I could handle it. By the end of the day and all of the next day I was in excruciating pain, but it was 100 percent worth it. I really missed those kids and so many of them came up to me, asking how I was doing. I get emotional just thinking about how wonderful that was. Since I have Thursdays off from my security job, I will slowly work to get my endurance up to handling a classroom again. I went in again yesterday and it was absolutely wonderful. I was home again. A little part of me was lost until I was back in the classroom again.
But anyways, as far as progression, I am following all of my PT orders, doing the prescribed stretching and movement. That is key. Every single day since I started treatment, I have felt a slight bit more mobility. It is small, but tangible. It is a blessing and wonderful. Who loves the way the sunlight looks on buildings as the sun is setting?
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