It is important that you look at every little incremental improvement and mark them. These are the steps to getting yourself out of a negativity rut and in the mean time, after a while, all of these incremental changes will be pretty significant in the long run. I have brought myself to a hobble and support my own weight over the last few days. Yesterday I busted my hump going through my place and cleaning. Scrubbing, reorganizing, de-junkifying and more. Yeah, that's right, I just made up a word! Another day more little progress. I still have to crutch to get around outside because of the sheer distance and the danger of walking on falling apart sidewalks, but I can do nothing but look at things positively. Yesterday they found I had degeneration of the bone, but it is something I can slow/manage over my lifetime. Another day, another small tick up in the path towards remission!
Remember that over 90 percent of folks go into full or partial remission. Never forget that! Hopefully I'll be back to enjoying coasters in the spring and back into my career as well. We've got this!
My family is coming to visit this weekend and bringing my girl Sophie, a Shiba Inu
As you may have noticed, I am hardcore into roller coasters, as is my Fiancee and we have made this calendar.
If you like keeping the things you do organized and like to look at nice pictures, or you want a snazzy gift for somebody please help support us and get our 2014 calendar at
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